
The Art of Living in a Sustainable Way

The Art of Living in a Sustainable Way

In a world where our daily choices take on even more crucial relevance, every purchase and decision contributes to the world's growing consumption of materials. During 2000 and 2019, this consumption increased by 66%, reaching 95.1 billion tons. In addition, the material footprint per capita in high-income countries is 10 times higher than in low-income countries, underscoring the urgent need to adopt sustainable policies and raise awareness to ensure efficient and sustainable management of limited and exploited natural resources.


Faced with this challenge, the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) estimates that by 2050 the world population will reach 9.6 billion people, presenting an immense dilemma. The equivalent of nearly three planets would be required to maintain the current lifestyle.


What is Sustainable Consumption and Production?

According to the United Nations, Sustainable Development Goal number twelve aims to carry out more and better actions with fewer resources. In addition, it seeks to unlink economic growth from environmental degradation, improve efficiency in the use of resources and promote sustainable lifestyles. This objective reflects the prevailing need to redefine our practices to move towards this kind of development that respects the limits of the planet and promotes equity at the global level.


The importance of sustainable consumption and production is not only to seek to satisfy our current needs, but to do so in a way that preserves natural resources, reduces pollution, and promotes social and economic equity. This approach is not only crucial to addressing environmental challenges, but can also foster the creation of a sustainable legacy that benefits current and future generations, ensuring a healthier and more equitable future for our planet. Faced with this reality, the crucial question is: Are we prepared to transform our way of living?


The first step to adopting sustainable and healthy habits is to become aware of the importance of our actions in the environment. Believing in our ability to generate positive change is fundamental, as well as being disciplined and repetitive in the implementation of sustainable habits in daily life.


The sum of small daily gestures can make a big difference in building a sustainable lifestyle. Here are some practices you can easily incorporate:

  • Conscious Shopping: Choose to purchase only essential products, prioritizing quality and durability.
  • Investigate Provenance: Make sure you get information about the social and environmental conditions in which the goods and services you consume are produced.
  • Eco-Friendly Transportation: Use transportation systems that minimize your environmental impact, such as bicycle, public transportation, or electric vehicles.
  • Reduce food waste: monitor food spending at home, make a weekly menu and make a list not to buy more than necessary, and see if your nearest supermarket has a section with products with a preferred consumption date nearby.
  • Tourism Management: When choosing destinations and activities, bet on sustainable tourism that respects and contributes to the well-being of local communities and nature.

In the context of the current business environment, sustainable production is revealed as a key component to harmonize economic progress with environmental preservation. The importance of adopting sustainable production practices is not limited to satisfying immediate needs, extending towards the construction of a future in which balanced coexistence with the environment is the central axis of business activity.


Notable examples in this context are companies such as Biofase, which demonstrate innovation in addressing the plastics problem by using avocado to create sustainable alternatives.

AUARA and its commitment to sustainability, from the use of natural mineral water to the design of recycled and recyclable plastic bottles, highlight how companies can incorporate sustainable practices into their business model. Transparency with a counter that tracks environmental impact reinforces its commitment.


In the service sector, iFood, by adopting drones for deliveries, not only seeks efficiency but also addresses traffic and emissions issues. This approach shows how technology can be used to improve sustainability in the supply chain and reduce the environmental footprint.


This collective commitment reflects the imperative need for continuous and harmonized collaboration between individuals and business entities in pursuit of sustainability, recognizing that synergy between both actors is fundamental for meaningful progress toward a more equitable and environmentally friendly future.


Therefore, achieving the sustainable development goals about consumption and production is both an individual and a social duty. Consequently, as actors of change, we can participate in collective proposals from our position, relying on social networks and other means. In this way, we can avoid the exposed forecasts. What do you say, do you join the change?


Equipo Green Dreams🌱