Artículos ODS en Inglés

Renewable energy and circular economy Towards achieving SDG 12
Artículos ODS en Inglés · 28. mayo 2024
Author: Daniel Almirón de Greef Translator: Flor de María Coralia Toledo Contreras Social and economic progress has led to significant environmental degradation. The 2030 Agenda and its 17 SDGs, like SDG 12, aim to ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns. The Argentine venture "Arquea" transforms used oil into biodiesel, promoting the circular economy and reducing waste, contributing to SDG 12 by preventing pollution and encouraging sustainable fuels.
Artículos ODS en Inglés · 22. mayo 2024
Author: Priscila Belen Chávez Cerna Translator: Katherine Coelho Biodiversity Week, celebrated from May 22nd to 29th, highlights the variety of life on Earth and the importance of preserving it. Biodiversity ensures ecosystem stability, supports agriculture, tourism, and fisheries, and promotes food security. Activities during the week focus on raising awareness, protecting endangered species, and encouraging participation in conservation efforts.

Sustainable consumption and production: keys to a sustainable future
Artículos ODS en Inglés · 19. mayo 2024
Author: Sofia Del Río Translator: Flor de María Coralia Toledo For a sustainable future, we must change our consumption and production habits. With the global population reaching 9.8 billion by 2050, almost three Earths would be needed to sustain current lifestyles. Key actions include adopting sustainable energy, reducing waste, and choosing eco-friendly options. Despite progress, setbacks in SDG 12 and SDG 13 highlight the need for stronger global cooperation and individual responsibility.
Cultivating the future: International day of education on sustainable development
Artículos ODS en Inglés · 26. abril 2024
Author: Priscila Belen Chávez Cerna Translator: Flor de María Coralia Toledo April 26 is the International Day of Education on Sustainable Development, focused on equipping learners with skills and knowledge for a sustainable future. It highlights the need for global education, addressing challenges like limited awareness and resources. Take action by educating yourself, participating in local initiatives, and advocating for sustainability.

Can Music Change the World?
Artículos ODS en Inglés · 12. marzo 2024
Author: Angie Caroline Colque Osco Translator: Ana Lucía Cruz Pinedo In recent years, the music industry has been influenced by a diversity of genres, ranging from traditional to fusion and novel ones, which is why it is fair to say that music is found everywhere and serves various purposes, from addressing religious, political, and social aspects through its notes to providing intense accompaniments for the emotions we experience throughout our lives.
Artículos ODS en Inglés · 06. marzo 2024
Author: Tomás Gabriel Márquez Translator: Flor de María Coralia Toledo Contreras In today's world, children's diets have shifted towards ultra-processed foods, raising concerns about their impact on brain development and academic performance. Lacking essential nutrients, these foods can harm cognitive growth and behavior. Promoting healthy eating habits through education, access to nutritious food, and policy changes is crucial to safeguard children's well-being and future.

The Art of Living in a Sustainable Way
Artículos ODS en Inglés · 30. noviembre 2023
In a world where our daily choices take on even more crucial relevance, every purchase and decision contributes to the world's growing consumption of materials. During 2000 and 2019, this consumption increased by 66%, reaching 95.1 billion tons. In addition, the material footprint per capita in high-income countries is 10 times higher than in low-income countries, underscoring the urgent need to adopt sustainable policies and raise awareness to ensure efficient and sustainable management of...