
Renewable energy and circular economy Towards achieving SDG 12


Author:Daniel Almirón de Greef

Translator: Flor de María Coralia Toledo Contreras

The progress of humanity, both social and economic, during the last century, we understand that it has led to a significant environmental degradation, which is seriously endangering the survival of the planet.

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is an agreement in which, in 2015, all States and Governments belonging to the United Nations signed a commitment to address the social, economic and environmental problems resulting from globalization through the fulfillment of 17 objectives popularly referred to as sustainable development goals (SDGs). (SustainableDevelopment [un.org] n.d.)

The SDG 12 aims to ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns, which is essential to sustain the livelihoods of current and future generations.

Our planet is running out of resources, but the population rate continues to grow. Should the world's population reach 9.8 billion by 2050, the equivalent of almost three planets could be required to provide the natural resources needed to maintain current lifestyles.

To reduce our consumption levels, we must change our consumption habits, and one of the main steps we must take is to replace energy supply systems with more sustainable ones.  (SustainableDevelopment [un.org] n.d.)

In this process, or rather for the correct fulfillment of this objective, the circular economy plays a vital role, taking into account that it is mainly based on the structure known as the 5r: reduce, reuse, repair, recover and recycle. (Rodríguez, 2023)

Among the main foundations of SDG 12, the use of renewable energies and the replacement of waste materials with biodegradable or easily reused materials stand out, a group within which we could place plastic and other petroleum derivatives, whose purpose is their almost complete reduction by replacing them with materials that are much easier to reuse, such as glass or aluminum to name a few.

Contribution to the fulfillment of SDG 12 in Argentina by entrepreneurs

The novel issue of local entrepreneurship that transforms used oil into biofuel, contributing to responsible consumption and production is what is talked about a lot in the media these days.

In the city of Buenos Aires, since approximately October 2023, a venture under the name of "Arquea", is converting used cooking oil into biofuel in order to "Guarantee sustainable consumption and production patterns".

This project belonging to Bruno Busconi, a 21-year-old student of the Bachelor of Environmental Sciences, and his father, collects used oil from restaurants and homes to transform it into biodiesel, an alternative fuel cleaner than traditional diesel.

The process is as follows: to obtain the new products, the recycling process consists of a neutralization step where moisture and particulate matter (food debris) are removed by means of temperatures and filters. Then the transesterification process is done where the fats of the oil are united with the alcohol by means of a catalyst, thus obtaining biodiesel and glycerol.

Following this line, biodiesel is used as a fuel and glycerol works perfectly as a degreasing soap, which is provided to restaurants as remuneration for their used vegetable oil. (Visionsustentable[Archea] 2021)

To close the circle, the oil is transferred with trucks powered 100% by biodiesel and loaded with the drums that are recycled and reused throughout the management at each location. In this way, the oil is collected by consuming only biodiesel; and no waste is generated in the production process. (Visionsustentable[Archea] 2021)

Impact on compliance with SDG 12:

  • Waste reduction: The initiative prevents used oil from ending up in drains, contaminating water sources.
  • Sustainable production: Biodiesel is a more sustainable alternative to fossil fuels, contributing to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Circular economy: The project promotes the circular economy by reusing a waste and transforming it into a product of value.

