✍️Author: Priscila Belen Chávez Cerna
✒Translator: Katherine Coelho
Magnificent trees, melodic birds, and eternal sunflowers. Fishes fighting waves, insects orchestrating melodies through the air, and chrysanthemum flowers dazzling with beauty. All this is just a shallow example of the broad spectrum of biodiversity hosted by our planet. Therefore, from the 22nd to 29th May of every year, the biodiversity enriching the Earth is highlighted to emphasize the myriad of life forms and promote their preservation. Yes, just as you read it. This month we are celebrating the biodiversity week!
The Convention on Biological Diversity, ratified by Peru in 1993, defines biodiversity as the variability of live organisms of any source, including, among others, terrestrial and marine ecosystems and further aquatic ecosystems and ecological complexes they are part of; in other words, biodiversity is understood as the multiplicity of life forms existing on the planet and the relationships established among them.
However, it should be noted the major role of biodiversity on the planet, since it allows the stability of ecosystems and, thereby, ensures the proper functioning of the natural synergy. Additionally, biodiversity lays the foundations for human beings can develop activities such as agriculture, tourism, and fishery, which results in an economic benefit for humans. To top it off, biodiversity provides a wide variety of resources that contribute for good to food security. As you can see, speaking of the importance of biodiversity and its benefits is a broad subject.
Celebrating the biodiversity week yearly started with a proposal to stand out the challenges raising from the conservation of biodiversity and to promote the activism and participation in concrete actions. The Convention on Biological Diversity is the regulatory background that encouraged the international cooperation to join forces for the conservation of biodiversity. Thus, the goal of celebrating the Biodiversity Week consist in educating society about the urgency of becoming aware of the dangers threatening the integrity of biodiversity and the need to take action to protect and preserve the natural wealth.
At this point, you must be wondering how you can participate in the biodiversity week. No worries, from the 22nd to 29th May, multiple activities focused on promoting and protecting biodiversity will be conducted. You only need to stay alert to the projects that will be executed in your locality. Likewise, you can learn about the endangered species, promote the creation of gardens or tree plantation in parks of your locality. You can also support civil organization and NGOs engaged in protection of biodiversity (such as GREEN DREAMS) and even introduce workshops on environmental education. You can join the protection of biodiversity. Remember, every effort adds up.