
Cultivating the future: International day of education on sustainable development

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Author: Priscila Belen Chávez Cerna

Translator: Flor de María Coralia Toledo Contreras

Education about sustainable development?

Surely you must be wondering what exactly is celebrated on this day, and to put it in simple Christian terms, it is the education on sustainable development as the training proposal that seeks to provide learners with the knowledge, skills, values, and power of action necessary to promote adoption of decisions that promote a sustainable future.

Indeed, education on sustainable development involves teaching present and future generations to have a holistic perspective, considering not only current needs, but also the needs of future generations and the planet as a whole. It is, therefore, the tool that allows us to look beyond ourselves and see not only the well-being of our present and future fellow human beings, but also the preservation of the environment.

Objectives of the international day of education on sustainable development April 26th of each year was established as the international day of education on sustainable development. The main objective of this event is to promote and encourage education as a transcendent tool to promote sustainable development at a global level.

With this, we seek to spread care for the environment and build a fairer future to generate positive change in society. Likewise, this day aims to encourage the active participation of individuals, communities, and civil organizations in promoting education on sustainable development, as well as highlighting progress and achievements in this field at an international level.

Current challenges on the path to a sustainable future Education on sustainable development faces various challenges today. One of them is the lack of knowledge of the sustainable development goals, which were proposed strategically, considering each area to improve to build a sustainable future. Likewise, another challenge is the lack of adequate educational resources and programs that promote education on sustainable development at all educational levels.

Call to action No, I don't want you to get discouraged.

Although there is a lot to do in the outlook, take heart and take action! You can start by informing yourself about the environmental challenges we face so that you are aware of how relevant it is to act today. Educating yourself about the sustainable development goals will also help you identify concrete measures to promote a more sustainable future.

And only by educating yourself can you promote environmental awareness and a sustainable lifestyle. Youth participation is valuable to promote sustainable education. Check the activities in your area, and if you can't find them, you can be the agent of change.

Remember, your participation is relevant! I have always said: Together we are stronger. Therefore, how about you join a volunteer service? On the International Day of Education on Sustainable Development, remember that change is possible with education. Yes, by working together, it is possible to turn the ideal of sustainable development into a tangible reality for everyone. Why not start today?